Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 regrets

You might ask why regrets and not looking foward to things? Well I just read a blog entry and this person was talking about forgiveness, so I know deep down I should forgive, but they have wronged me and are oblivious to how badly so it's really hard to forgive.

I have regrets for 2012 my main regret is that I didn't do what I did to save my marriage earlier. I regret not saying NO earlier, NO can be such a liberating word. I am a person that always tries to please everybody and don't get anybody angry. Maybe that is the Swiss in me. But no more, if it jeopardizes time with my husband and my family? Then you will hear the word NO from me. I won't be any longer taken advantage of cause I have the need to please you. So yes it is selfish, but you know it is a healthy selfish.

Yes I do have regrets, but they are mended now. My husband and I are in a great place, we realized we survived this we can pretty much go thru anything. We've been together 17yrs and married for 15 in 12 days.
So yes he has been my rock and I am thankful for it.

I have a very blessed life, and forgiveness might come, but it seems not anytime soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

^_^ I'm not gonna do a blog response to said person myself, but you've pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I'm still working towards forgiving and forgetting - but the hurt she caused me is still too fresh for that to be anytime soon.

However I know now (sadly learned the hard way) what true friends are so at least I learned that from her "friendship."