Friday, June 21, 2013


I am so happy to say, that out of the 12x I went to the gym this month 9 have been in the past two weeks. yup last week I went and this week 5x. I am enjoying working out again, I remember that's how it was the first time I lost the weight. I am still mad at myself for letting this happening. But I am also proud that I now am working really hard to changing it.
Today was one of those days, where things just didn't flow right. On my way to the gym, a guy tried to run me off the road, I hit a bird with the car. But then my Pilates session rocked, I learned new moves and laughed my head off. Then onto the treadmill for 50mins of fatburn/cardio. It helps that I can watch Supernatural while doing Cardio.
So then I got home and find out that the post office messed up one of my packages, and just slapped my label onto an envelope and my customer got two bills. Not the Pillow cases she ordered, those are missing now. Oh and to top it off, my tablets screen cracked and it doesn't work anymore. So I need to find a place to fix that.
But back to working out. I am really already seeing improvement in my endurance and I am not so easy out of breath after a workout.
Swimming is an amazing workout. The first time I swam 15mins. Then 20mins and the last two times I swam 30mins. My goal is to work up to 45mins - 1hrs.

So that's my workouts at the moment.

Glad to be back in the gym :D

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