Thursday, May 30, 2013

you know what...

So, I am done...

I don't go for a diet, or a fad or whatever it is that is in right now. I am done...

I know how I can loose weight, what I must do. I did it before, I was successful. I got to where I wanted to be. So now it's my turn to do it my way. I am fed up with being pulled in every which direction. So this is what is going to happen.

I will eat healthy and I will eat carbs, I will lower them but I won't give them up. Fuck that, I love my carbs and I wanna eat fruit. So I will stay away from complex carbs as much as possible but I won't give them up all together.
Now I will log my food, I've done it last time, I put every single bite I ate into Fitday, well now I am using loose it and it makes it easier. But I have to do it. My biggest down fall: water... I need to drink more water. My goal is to drinkg 64oz a day. Possibly more.
Also Gym I need to hit the gym 5 days a week. Cardio 5 days workout 3 days, lifting and Pilates. That is what I am doing. Screw this I am so tired of this fat body and my clothes not fitting.

I am done... listening to other people, I am doing this my way. If you don't like it go the hell away.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that will definitely work better for you. Don't stress, eat healthy, don't starve yourself, and you can do it! :)