Friday, May 3, 2013


What has been going on? Well I struggle every day with my food choices, why is it so fucking hard this time?
I really don't know. But I do know that I have to get back to basics. I wanna loose 8lb in may. I got on the scale today and it said 266, fuck this. I can't do this anymore. So what did I do last time I was so successful?
I tracked every single think that went into my mouth. So that's what I do again.
For Breakfast I made myself a protein Juice. I put in 1pear, 1apple, 2 carrots and a handful of fresh spinach. 1scoop of vanilla protein powder and a tsp of L-Glutamine.
Lunch I am going to make me a nice big salad and for dinner we are going out, but I know what I am going to order, so no problem there. We are going to have shawarma.
This weekend will be tougher, we are gone for Birthday celebrations, but I am going to try and make it as healthy as I can.
As I struggle with my weight loss, I am also struggling with my daily routines in the house. I need to get back to basics on that too, it's not like the house is a horrendous mess, but laundry never gets put away (it is clean, just not put away) I could vacuum more often and just in general putting things away. So today I will finish the laundry and do a sweep thru the house.
I need to set up a schedule for myself and really set time aside for those things and then work. So if you got this far in my ramblings, thank you.

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