Saturday, May 18, 2013

Magic Number

I am lost in the 260's, I was so close and then so far again. But this week I made the conscious effort to eat better and drink lots more water and tea.
I love tea and it is a great addition to water and better than any soft drink. If you wanna know some of my favorite Teas go here...  It helps me not getting bored of water.

Water is so dang important, but I can go a whole day without drinking anything but a cup of coffee in the morning, I know it's not good. So I am trying really hared to drink 64oz.
Did really well this weekend. I also am trying to stay away from grains, pretty much any grains, and I have been doing pretty good with that too. ( I had a cupcake, but hey it was 1 and not 4 like I would have done in the past 4yrs).

As for eating...
I am trying to track all my food but I tend to forget, so that's a goal for this coming week. I have an easy app on my phone called looseit and it is great, cause it has a code scanner. Even thou, I barely eat any packaged food anymore. Most of my food is fresh from which I really adore.

So that's my progress, the magic number at the moment is 259 it's a pretty number :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can do it! You aren't lost, just taking the scenic route. Soon they'll be a thing of the past!

Keep it up with the water intake! :) Soon I'm going to attempt some tea brewing. "Soon" :)