Monday, September 10, 2012

Why this weight gain this time is bad...

Well there are some things that I do when I am at this size and now they annoy me, I've been heavy all my life, then I lost 80# and I was in the best shape of my life, sadly I let myself go, I fell into a deep drepression and this blog is part of my therapy, the way I look at it.
This time arround the weight gain is affecting my health badly. I am on Crestor cause my cholesterol is bad. I my heart races all the time and it affects my mood. There are also other things that annoy me now more than before.
I have to jiggle into my pants. Yes, everything jiggles like Jello, not happy about that. And I know some people say I shouldn't worry about it. Yes I do, I know there is ladies out there that are big and beautiful and they are healthy. I am not healthy in any way shape or form. I wanna be healthy again. This doesn't mean that I am going on a super crash diet to look like those skinny bitches in Hollywood. No, I want to loose weight so I feel comfortable again, so I don't have to take medicine anymore, so I don't get out of breath walking my dog around the block. Those are things, that I am striving for. That is my main goal. And I am turning 40next year, so guess what I want to look hot on my 40th birthday.
So if you think I don't need to loose the weight that is your opinion, but I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for me. So FU.

Now this is this weeks Dinner Meal Plan:
Roasted Cabbage with Rice and Steaks

Quinoa Medley with Chicken Breast

Spaghetti Squash with Tomato Sauce


Homemade Pizza Margarita, with Tomoatos and fresh Mozarella and home made Pizza dough.

Saturday and Sunday depends if we are going to Baton Rouge or not.

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