Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 7 Again

I need to write this down otherwise I am going bonkers....

So 5 months ago at a convention someone stole a wooden sign from a friend of mine's Wreath that I had made.

Well a couple of days ago we found that sign and all the evidence points to one person and this person also made inappropriate message to friends of mine at the time of the conventions and later denied it all saying being married and having a child.
Well sine this person has been caught in a lie, I was wondering if he/she really worked where they said. So I called the place and asked. And when they asked what this was in regard I very politely said thank you for the information and hung up.

Well not an hour later I get a phone call from a wireless phone, it is the person that I called about and asking why I called his work. I told him I had no idea and wished him a good day.

2hrs after that his workplace calls again and asks why I called, I declined once more and told them to please stop calling me. Then after I pick up my daughter form school. I came home and asked my son if anybody called and he said yes. So I checked caller ID and sure enough the work place called again. So I called them back and told them they need to stop calling, that I told them I don't know who called this morning and if they don't stop this is harassment and then they hung up on me.

Well come 4:11pm, this person calls me, I picked up said stop calling me and hung up. Well they called again. So I picked up and told the person to stop calling me of I will file a harassment claim. The person was like I just wanna know why you called my work I told them that yes I called but that it is none you their business and they need to stop calling me. Then they kept on insisting that they have a right to know and I kept declining. I might have gotten a bit loud, but I never was really rude. The person kept interupting me and never would let me finish. So finally I just said, a friend of mine heard that they had lied about things and wanted to know if they worked where they said. Apparently that still wasn't good enough. So they still kept going on and on about how they has a right to know and I told them that it not illegal for me to call a company and see if somebody worked there. Well apparently that wasn't working either, so finally I just wished them a good day, told them to stop calling me and hung up.
I since then have blocked this persons number and worknumber, facebook, twitter and deviant art.

No this person has taken to ask my friends about me and what is going on. This is really freaking me out. This person also knows about my business which is a bit freaky. But not that i have written it all out, I am feeling much better. My anxiety was at 100 and I have been crying a lot and have a headache. Thank Chuck, Supernatural is on later tonight.

Thanks for listening.

Normally I would stress eat over this, but instead I am here on my computer writing this all down. Baby Steps, Baby Steps, I can't let this person ruin my success.

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