Friday, October 5, 2012

Change is hard and it's coming...

So shit hit the Fan in April. My former "best" friend and I had a huge blow out and I cam to realization that I had been taken advantage of for 4yrs. I given that said friend, my time, love and care.
What did I get for it? Well let see... I got depresses, I gained all the weight I had lost back, I almost lost my marriage over it. And I lost a dear friend that I've known since Anika was 4months old. So yeah, but I was the problem, all I ever did was try to please and make things right. Even when things were not my fault, but you know what I've learned that won't happen ever again. Apparently I was a dark chapter in her life.
Anyway, this here is my therapy. After the blow up, I got off my meds, I was able to stop Therapy and I am so much happier person. People that I've known before this happened, commented on it.
So out of curiosity know her way to well, I knew that she was bad mouthing me, cause she's done it about everybody else that said no to her and stopped being her friend. So I followed her on twitter.
The straw that broke the camel's back was this past week, I found a new fandom, and I gater to them on my etsy store and now I found out that she is trying to get her foot in. I was beyond pissed and posted on facebook, well someone must have told her cause I am sure she has mutual friends spying for her. Just like she accused me of copying her teablends, Yeah I made ONE tea, that is similar to one of her, but that's because I like that tea and don't want to buy it from her. Cause you know what I want to get away from all of this. *sigh So anyways, now she is protecting her twitter, so that no one can cyberstalk her. LOL you have to be paranoid.
So finally I can get on with my life without the temptation to see what she has to say, and who she is bitching about.
Also we are moving this coming week and my new life starts for sure. I am so excited to move into the new house, and the new studio, where I can be creative. I can't wait to cook healthy again in the new kitchen, I can't wait to decorate the new house, we have brand new furniture coming and I don't have a bitchy friend trying to push stuff on me. Or expect me to sew on end just so that we can split the profit 50/50 but I do most of the work, and causing me so much stress that I can't sleep at night.

It is very interesting, to me as well that things seemed to have been falling into place since April. The company my husband has been working for was almost at the point of going under. Well they got bought out and the new company hired him. They gave us an offer that we could not refuse to move. He also got a nice severance and we were able to pay off much of our debt. 

I opened my own etsy store and it goes well. I am very happy with it. And I am so much happier. 

It just seems that I got rid of some bad mojo and good stuff is happening. I am so blessed.

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