Monday, February 25, 2013

Small Steps, one at a time...

So I've been working out and the scale had not budged much, at least not the one at the gym. I have the horrible habit of weighing myself every morning during the week. (can't on the weekends, cause I live in a tent out in the woods). Yes I know it's not healthy, but it gives me the feeling of control over it. This morning it read 265lb. Woohoo, that is almost at 11lb. now.
But success can also be measured in other ways. As I have written before I am part of the Fairy Cast at a wonderful Renaissance Faire, called Sherwood Forest Faire out in Paige, TX. So we do a lot of walking that is why I normally don't workout on Mondays. Anyways, this morning I woke up and I realized, hey wait a minute, I am not nearly as tired, sore or feeling like being hit by a truck. So I must be getting in much better shape. I still woke up with allergies and a cough from being outside all weekend, but that is besides the point. I am doing ok. It made me smile. Oh and another thing that made me all fuzzy and warm inside, was the bodice I made for my costume. It laces up in the front and at the beginning, I would say, there was at leas a 2 inch difference between the front panel. This weekend I was able to lace it up and it was almost closed all the way. So I must have lost inches as well.
So what I want to say is, I should not obsess about the numbers on the scale, cause success can be measured so many ways and that is an advise I should take to heart, especially since it is not just for weight loss but also for my personal life.
These past 8 months have been such a blessing, and I know every so often there will be stone thrown into my way. But I am now a firm believer that I am on my way again to become strong and healthy and not just physically. No also mentally.

Thank for reading:

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