Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This is going to be long and dragged out and has nothing to do with my weight loss, but it was a long time coming.

So almost a year ago I said "No" to a person that back then I thought of was my best friend. Well she did not take it well and the friendship came to an end. I really kept my tongue. Sadly we are still tied to a few things and they are being nasty about things and I post that on facebook, cause they are messing with my credit.
In hindsight, I could write so many nasty thing about this person, but I haven't and I won't I am a better person than that. But enough is enough, I am really sick of reading all the time how I was such a bad influence and negative energy in her life. Why the Fuck did you keep me arround for 4yrs if I was such an awful person? I've done everything to make your life easier and all I get is cheap shots at my character.

Now this weekend proofed that this "Divorce" was the best thing in my life. I've seen people I havent' seen in a while and they knew me during the "Friendship" and they looked at me and told me that they can tell I am so much happier, well yes I am. I am the happiest I've been in a while. I don't run ragged anymore. I can do what I want. I am creative again, I am having fun.

So why does someone harbor such nasty feelings? I don't know, but I am just tired of it. I am a better person than she makes me out to be and those that know me, know it too.

Ok I am done ranting now.